In search of potable drinking water…why now?

Climate change threatens every part of the planet. It’s a global problem that requires global cooperation. Help the Mbelewa community in the North West Region of Cameroon.

Our mission is to create international awareness around the climate emergency which has affected the lives of people in the Mbelewa-Nkwen Community.

Why Now?

Mbelewa currently struggles with clean water supply that directly impacts the poor of the region.

Until 8 years ago, Mbelewa enjoyed potable water from public taps supplied by Nkwen water scheme which was in itself sourced through funds contributed by individual households.  

Today, the quarter is totally cut-off from the Nkwen water scheme and local residents turn to unsafe surface water sources while others have to move to different quarters in search of the precious liquid.  

An Idea is born…

In 2015 our founder returned to her home village Mbelewa Nkwen. What she experienced led to this desire to make a lasting impact on her community through these initiatives.

While there are some private supplies of water to the quarter by bike riders, most cannot afford the cost of these deliveries.  In fact, women and children are forced to walk through a difficult path to get water for drinking and other routine jobs.  

Because of the non-availability of clean drinking water, the people of Mbelewa are suffering from widespread occurrence of water and sanitation related diseases. To worsen the situation, road developmental activities have destroyed existing pipeline, which used to supply the quarter in the past. 

Learn more about our projects.

The people of Mbelewa Nkwen need your help.

“I am too old to leave my compound. I depend on my great granddaughter, who has to travel 3 kms to fetch water for us. In the past I used to be able to participate in community meetings at the existing hall.

However, due to the bad roof and infestations, meetings are held in open air. The attendance is usually poor if it’s raining, or if the sun is too hot for the older folks.”

—99-Year old Mia Ngwimetan, the oldest mother of Mbelewa.

Rest in Peace, our Mother, Mia Ngwi, who passed in February 2022, only a month after MNCP was legally registered in the State of Illinois. In February 2025, we will fund raise to honor her and other Mbelewa residents who are continuously advocating for portable drinking water. Stay tuned for the donation link.

Join us in our mission to help the community of Mbelewa Nkwen.


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